Thursday, 26 January 2012

Migrating Oracle BPEL To Different Environments

  • Initial Setup 
    • Not Required. Out of the box available with SOA Setup. JDeveloper creates a build.xml under each BPEL project which you create. Simply need to alter build.xml to make it suitable for migration across different environments. 
  • Project Setup 
    • Create a copy of (with the names mentioned below) file for each environment and save it at the same location as (it’s generally located at the root folder of JDeveloper project) 
  • As of now assumption is we have Development (dev), prf (performance), tst (test) and Production (prd) environments. 
  • Make the following changes into build_<env>.properties 
    ############### Add (Mandotory) ############### 
    # Application specific variables to be used during the build 
    bpel_host= <bpel server VIP name> ## (put the host name which will be substituted in WSDL URLs in respective environments) 
    bpel_port=<bpel server VIP port> 
    ############### Update (Mandatory) ############### 
    # Make sure admin.user, admin.password is correct for appserver 
    admin.user = oc4jadmin ## or the user name who has access to BPELAdmin console) 
    # http.hostname and http.port should point to BPEL Server’s host and http port 
    http.hostname = <hostname> ## hostname of the server where we are deploying 
    http.port = <port> ## port where server is running 
    # Change below if deploying in domain other than "default" 
    domain = <bpel domain> 
    # Change below if deploying with process revision other than 1.0 
    rev = <current revision> 
    ############### Update (Mandatory for Clustered Environment) ############### 
    cluster = true 
    j2ee.hostname = <physical node where bpel process will be deployed>
  • Copy build.xml at <app root> to bpel subfolder 
    • copy <app root folder>\build.xml <app root folder>\bpel\build.xml 
  • Make the following changes into <app root folder>\bpel\build.xml 
    • Add <customize> task under bpelc task 
      <target name="compile"> 
      | Compiling bpel process ${}, revision ${rev} 
      <bpelc input="${process.dir}/bpel/bpel.xml" out="${process.dir}/output" 
      rev="${rev}" home="${bpel.home}"/> 
      ############### Change it to the following ############### 
      ## You have to put <partnerLinkBinding> tag for each partner link to be modified 
      ## below is illustration for SampleProcess defined in bpel.xml as sample_pl we have to do similar 
      ## task for other processes
      <target name="compile"> 
      | Compiling bpel process ${}, revision ${rev} 
      <bpelc input="${process.dir}/bpel/bpel.xml" out="${process.dir}/output" 
      rev="${rev}" home="${bpel.home}"> 
      <partnerLinkBinding name="sample_pl"> 
      <property name="wsdlLocation"> 
      <property name="propName">propValue</property> 
      <activationAgents name="actAgentName"> 
      <property name="propName">propValue</property> 
      <property name="propName">propValue</property> 
    • If you have to make changes into other files apart from bpel.xml like WSDLs or XSDs or XSLs please use "replace" ant task. Insert this text inside "compile" target before <bpelc> tag. 
      <replace file="<fileName>" token="<searchText>" value="<replaceText>"/> 
      For example: 
      <replace file="sample.wsdl" token="search_text" value="${replace_text}"/>
    • Refer to the environment specific build_<env>.properties file 
      <!– First override from in process.dir, if available –> 
      <property file="${process.dir}/"/> 
      ############### Change it to the following ############### 
      <!– First override from in process.dir, if available –> 
      <property file="${process.dir}/build_${env}.properties"/>
  • Make the following changes into build.xml (at application root folder). 
    • Create a new compile target that redirects execution to the target within the build file within the bpel subdirectory 
      <target name="compileEnv"> 
      | Compiling bpel process using ${}/bpel/build.xml 
      <ant dir="${process.dir}/bpel"/> 
    • Modify the process-deploy target to invoke this new compile target 
      <target name="process-deploy" 
      depends="validateTask, compile, deployProcess, deployTaskForm, deployDecisionServices" /> 
      ############### Change it to the following ############### 
      <target name="process-deploy" 
      depends="validateTask, compileEnv, deployProcess, deployTaskForm, deployDecisionServices" />
    • Refer to the environment specific build_<env>.properties file 
      <!– First override from in process.dir, if available –> 
      <property file="${process.dir}/"/> 
      ############### Change it to the following ############### 
      <!– First override from in process.dir, if available –> 
      <property file="${process.dir}/build_${env}.properties"/>
  • Deployment 
    • Upload your Project to build server under deployment folder for example: /apps/orabpel/deploy/<env>/<domain>/<app>. 
    • Start BPEL Developer Prompt / Shell
      • <ORACLE_HOME>/bpel/bin/
    • Go to the application folder 
      • cd /apps/orabpel/deploy/<env>/<domain>/<app> folder (as mentioned in step 01) 
    • Execute from your <app root folder> and pass appropriate values depending upon the environment you want to deploy
      • -Denv=dev -Dadmin.password=<oc4jadmin password> or
      • -Denv=qa -Dadmin.password=< oc4jadmin password > or
      • -Denv=test-Dadmin.password=< oc4jadmin password > or
      • -Denv=prod -Dadmin.password=< oc4jadmin password >
  • Validation Step 
    • Obant script should say "Build Successful" i`n the end. Also test deployment from BPEL Console.

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